Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider


Every business needs digital capabilities to keep up with the competition, and migrating these capabilities to the cloud is ongoing. At the end of 2022, 48% of U.S. businesses used cloud storage for their most valuable data, and 94% of companies used some type of cloud services.  

Cloud-based solutions are increasingly common, and it’s difficult to know which to choose for your company. Business owners can find assistance through an experienced cloud solution provider like iuvo.  

Alarming Trends: Is Your Company At Risk? 

Businesses waste money every day paying for software licenses they don’t need, while not fully utilizing the software they do use:  

  • A recent study found that 50% of software licenses are unused, costing companies $45 million monthly for wasted software.  
  • 95% of project managers use at least two software applications to manage single projects.  
  • Multiple teams within a company often subscribe to different applications that fulfill the same purpose, such as video conferencing. This increases costs and decreases negotiating and buying power, since the number of seats your company has is split.  
  • Factors including employee reluctance to use technology, lacking the skills needed to effectively utilize data and failure to use licensed software to optimize business growth result in companies not leveraging the full capabilities of their tech stack.  

Many businesses don’t have oversight or tools in place to ensure that their IT stacks are optimized. To maximize your company’s investments, you should:  

  • Analyze every software application, checking for unnecessary and duplicate apps, functional utilization rates, the number of available seats vs. the number of actual users and the overall efficiency.  
  • Determine the best software to accomplish necessary tasks.  
  • Retire or consolidate redundant and duplicate applications and adjust the parameters of those you decide to keep or add.  
  • Provide sufficient employee training to get a better return on investment.  
  • Ensure that you comply with all licensing requirements, renewals and industry-specific regulations.  

These in-depth analyses take time, familiarity with the capabilities of each application and knowledge of how a well-designed stack works. Many in-house IT departments lack the necessary skills, tools and experience to perform successful research and create a comprehensive strategy going forward.  

Microsoft Licenses Explained 

Many enterprises rely on diverse Microsoft software solutions, with Microsoft 365 being a prominent choice among them. However, to tap into the full potential of these solutions, users require appropriate licenses. In the context of software, a license is the permission to use an application or service. Back when software came in shrink-wrapped boxes and the license was printed on paper that came inside the box and usually included (often unread) terms that indicated that each box was for the use of a single personThere were plenty of cases of companies that shared software and then found themselves facing giant bills because of audits related to “software amnesty programs”.  Now that most software, in the business realm anyway, is offered through the cloud on a subscription basis the tracking of licenses has gotten much easier. For common business software you can still get licenses for individual packages, but software is also offered in bundled tiers that can be more economical if you get the right thing. Of course, the flip side of that choosing the wrong licensing tier can lead to excessive spending if you overbuy or frustration if you didn’t get everything you need. 

Microsoft Licenses Explained

Cloud based subscriptions can be complicated, and it doesn’t help that vendors frequently redesign their bundles and redefine their licensing terms that go with any particular subscription level. Keeping up with the, sometimes subtle impacts of these changes can be tedious and time-consuming. 

As an experienced cloud solutions provider, iuvo understands the differences between different tiers and knows how to optimize subscriptions so that your business gets use of the software it needs at the best possible pricing. We can take care of this for you so that you aren’t distracted by minutia that keeps you from concentrating on your core business. 


What Is a Cloud Solutions Provider

A Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) is responsible for helping you navigate the array of technology services that are available in the cloud. In addition to keeping track of software subscriptions, this also includes supporting cloud-based infrastructure such as AWS and Azure, as well as being familiar with numerous cloud-based companies that provide numerous “as-a-service" offerings. 


The iuvo Advantage 

Navigating the intricacies of cloud solutions can be daunting. With iuvo, you're not just acquiring a service, but a partnership built on trust, expertise, and a commitment to your success. From direct collaborations with Microsoft to ensuring transparency in billing, here's how iuvo stands out:

Cloud Solutions Provider

iuvo understands how businesses operate and knows the right questions to ask so we can identify the specific software requirements that you need filled for you to operate effectivelyWith those requirements defined, and our knowledge of available licensing options we make recommendations designed to fulfill your specific needs. 

Our recommendations are not a one-and-done effortiuvo will continue to monitor your ongoing usage and make assessments and recommend fine-tuning to minimize your ongoing costs while protecting the productivity of your staff

Our team are experts in IT, and we are here to make sure you don’t get overwhelmed by cloud technologyWe can keep track of infrastructure and services and help you ensure that you are meeting appropriate compliance standards while you grow your business.  

iuvo is more than a service, we want to be a partner that shares our expertise so that you can focus on your expertise. When it comes to licensing, we offer this following:

  • Microsoft Gold Certified Provider 
    • As a Tier 1 Microsoft Cloud Solutions provider, iuvo collaborates directly with Microsoft, ensuring top-tier service without middlemen.   
  • Microsoft Experts 
    • With an average experience of 23 years, our team provides insights, training, and dedicated support.  
  • Regular Account Audits 
    • Ensure you're utilizing your software licenses to the max and cut off unnecessary ones.  
  • Proactive Security 


Additional Offerings

iuvo is here as a business partner as we will evolve with you. We share our experience to help you anticipate challenges and mitigate risks before they become problems.  

Our team aids in planning, execution, and management of IT projects, ensuring timely and efficient outcomes.

We provide ongoing monitoring of systems to proactively identify issues. This reduces (or even eliminates) downtime and ensures consistent performance and productivity. 

Our specialists have a diverse range of experience.  Different team members focus on specific platforms, with most having knowledge of multiple environments. We are not a Windows-only shop. iuvohas specialists versed with Linux, Mac, networking and cloud platforms. Whatever your environment we can provide comprehensive coverage and streamlined IT operations.  

iuvo collaborates with industry leaders to expand its own knowledge base by tapping into a network of expertise.  

Discover the iuvo Difference Today

Choosing the right cloud solutions provider is critical. iuvo is here to fulfill your IT needsWe work with you to optimize software licensing, help you with cloud transition and management, proactively manage your systems to prevent performance and security issues and keep your business running smoothly 

To learn more, reach out at 781-722-3200 or through our online contact form. 


Why iuvo?

iuvo’s seasoned IT experts have dedicated years to learning the ins and outs of all things cloud. Whether you are migrating applications over to the cloud, or starting fresh, we’re versed in the industry knowledge needed to make sure your cloud solution is architecture properly to meet your business needs.  Our knowledge is expansive, and we make sure to align our cloud service recommendations with your business goals while keeping future expansion in mind.
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