

As many as 90% of large enterprises have implemented a multi-cloud infrastructure, thanks to its ability to take all businesses across all industries to the next level in terms of productivity. In fact, experts anticipate that, by 2025, 100 ZB of data will be stored in the cloud. 

The bottom line is, the cloud is a game changer for businesses. Thanks to the cloud, businesses enjoy ample flexibility, increased innovation and, most importantly, economies of scale.  

Working with cloud providers, like Amazon Web Services, which iuvo has deep expertise in, helps individuals and organizations reap the benefits of large-scale computing without the expense of physical server networks. Though subscribing to AWS may seem easy, the experience of a knowledgeable partner can help you avoid common mistakes that cause security issues, create complexity and cause AWS to be more expensive than expected. As your source for all things IT, iuvo has developed products to help you do just that. One such product is Cloud LaunchPad. 

What is Cloud LaunchPad?

Cloud LaunchPad is an innovative, powerful and accessible Infrastructure as Code (IaC) framework that makes it easier for users to create and manage environments in the cloud. 

Administering cloud environments is often expensive, time-consuming, and fraught with errors. One mistake can lead to interruptions or outages that can have serious consequences for your business. 

Cloud LaunchPad is an IaC framework, which offers more flexibility, customization and consistency for you. With Cloud LaunchPad, iuvo not only leads and supports you throughout deployment but also helps you equip your own staff to take the reins within AWS beyond our involvement; however, iuvo can continue to support your staff and work in collaboration if desired.

How iuvo Helps Businesses With Our Cloud LaunchPad Service

Our Cloud LaunchPad service and AWS form a winning combination for businesses that are connected to tech, especially startups and biotech ventures. You may have a general understanding that cloud-based tech is preferable to the expense and energy needed to purchase and maintain physical servers and other support hardware. Perhaps you’ve subscribed to AWS on the strength of Amazon’s reach, but you haven’t really done much with it. Maybe you think you should be in the “Cloud” but you’re not sure how best to use and leverage the technology for operations, as well as long-term objectives. Whatever is holding you back, iuvo has the tools and know-how to help you overcome your challenges and make the most of both AWS and cloud solutions. Key elements iuvo can help with include: 

  • Cloud adoption 
  • SaaS adoption 
  • Strategy development 
  • Cloud computing 
  • Operational improvements 
  • Hybrid strategies 
  • Cloud spend 
  • Security improvement 
  • Scaling up as the company grows  

Our team of veteran IT professionals have dedicated the better parts of their careers to developing expertise with all things cloud. Whether you have a major overhaul in mind for your IT applications, are just starting out, or simply need help managing a cloud-based infrastructure, you can count on us to competently meet your specific needs. Not only that, but you can count on us to align our cloud recommendations with your distinctive goals and future expansion in mind. 

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What are the Advantages of Cloud Launchpad?

When considering the deployment of new technology, it’s important to understand some of the advantages and challenges. Cloud LaunchPad helps with the following opportunities and obstacles when it comes to implementing the cloud. 


Advantages and Opportunities: 

As an automated system, Cloud LaunchPad makes deploying into AWS easy and reliable. You can rely on it to do what would otherwise be manual tasks. The ease of use and automated processes mean you save significant time, talent and money on everything from training to management. 

When it comes to your data and information, time is often of the essence. With Cloud LaunchPad, you can launch your apps and other cloud-based solutions efficiently and with ease. This is because Cloud LaunchPad lays the foundation for predictable implementation while  offering a robust and scalable infrastructure. 

Our experts at iuvo complement Cloud LaunchPad’s scalability. Moreover, you can have peace of mind that said solutions will be created and implemented with security best practices in mind.

The automated nature of Cloud LaunchPad offers much more than ease and cost savings. It also offers reliability. When systems are human-run, errors are plentiful and hard to track down. Once automation is in place, risks from errors become practical to manage. When you make Cloud LaunchPad an integral part of your operations, you can create a tech environment that is repeatable and trustworthy—two traits you absolutely want when it comes to your business’s data. 

The cloud makes it easy to add scalability to your current systems, no matter how basic or multi-faceted they may be. When your data is securely accessible, and when you can access resources on-demand, you can confidently scale your IT systems up or down as you see fit. The ability to scale up means you can grow your business when times are good. When things become slow, you can scale them back down with ease and save money until business is booming again. When you partner with iuvo, you can count on our IT experts to build the infrastructure that will manage the fluctuations on your behalf, making your life even simpler.

For many small- to medium-sized businesses, making the most of all cloud-based solutions is an impossibility. Though such solutions come with a myriad of benefits, including long-term cost savings and increased revenue, they are often costly to implement. Cloud LaunchPad is a game changer that provides a foundation to which you can manage other applications and scale your infrastructure at a pace that is best for you, your team and your budget.

At iuvo, we understand that priorities and needs change. So if, or when, we need to part ways, your customized Cloud LaunchPad templates and automation are yours to keep.

Cloud LaunchPad is designed so you are not locked into the Amazon tools like Landing Zone or Cloud Formation. Instead, we have done the work to enable more flexible, vendor agnostic tools to manage your environments, like Terraform and Ansible. 

When you partner with iuvo to implement and rollout Cloud LaunchPad, you can rely on our experts to deliver top-notch service for the duration of our partnership. In addition to being knowledgeable in cloud-based tools and solutions, our team members make it their job to familiarize themselves with your specific requirements. 

Problems Cloud LaunchPad Can Solve

Cloud LaunchPad is a game changer for businesses. Among other challenges, this innovative solution helps solve problems businesses face, including the following: 

  • Following best practices 
  • Reducing technical debt 
  • Keeping (non-IT) technical staff focused on job specific tasks 
  • Eliminating inconsistencies that arise from managing resources by hand 
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With Cloud LaunchPad as the foundation for all your cloud-based solutions, these issues become obsolete.  

Note: Although many of these challenges occur in businesses, one of the biggest impacts that Cloud LaunchPad can have is to ensure that a company can keep the highly skilled (and highly paid) employees focused on the science or business objectives for which they were hired. This prevents valuable personnel from being sidetracked by the intricacies of cloud infrastructure tasks, as they can confidently delegate such responsibilities and stay focused on their specialized roles. In a recent implementation of Cloud LaunchPad, our client’s senior developer stated, “We needed this 2 years ago”.  

Cloud LaunchPad

Make iuvo Your IT Provider

If you’re ready to lay the foundation for more robust cloud applications, turn to iuvo. Not only can our IT experts help you implement and deploy Cloud LaunchPad, we can identify problems and develop additional solutions that will take your business to the next level. To see if we’re the right partners for your unique needs, contact us by phone, email or online to schedule your free tech consultation today.

Get Started with Cloud LaunchPad




Why iuvo?

iuvo’s seasoned IT experts have dedicated years to learning the ins and outs of all things cloud. Whether you are migrating applications over to the cloud, or starting fresh, we’re versed in the industry knowledge needed to make sure your cloud solution is architecture properly to meet your business needs.  Our knowledge is expansive, and we make sure to align our cloud service recommendations with your business goals while keeping future expansion in mind.
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